Every day I find myself educating business owners about email marketing and after about 100 of the same conversations, I figured it would be best to write a little piece and share it with everyone.
So the big question is: Why aren't my subscribers responding to my email marketing.
Here is a list of some things that you should be evaluating with each and every email marketing campaign you do.
1. Is your content relavent? - You don't have to send everything to everyone. Build your lists wisely make sure you are sending relavent content that your target email list would be interested in.
2. Is your email easy to read and to the point? - You will wan't to keep all sign up form short and sweet, focus on benefits, and not features, and get rid of the clutter, only use nice and clean email templates.
3. Is your subject line captivating? - Be specific and powerful (Car Wash - Tuesday @ 12:00 Denny's Parking Lot)
4. Are your images being block? - When designing an email template, make sure that it is designed properly for optimal visibility and deliverability. Make sure you test your email prior to sending in all mail clients, and when your done testing, test again!!
5. Do you have a Call to Action? - Don't set yourself up for failure before they begin. We can't stress enough how important the Call to Action is to your campaign, because with out it, no one knows what to do. You will want to use action verbs thought out the email. (CLICK HERE, BUY NOW, GO HERE, ENTER NOW, PRESS THIS, DO THAT)
6. Do you have a conversion/landing page? - Unless you are sending an event blast with no sign up, email marketing is typically a two step process. First you send out your initail blast template, then you direct traffic to the landing/conversion page. Conversion pages are for just that, they will help you convent leads to sales. This could be a contant us page on your website or it could be a buy now page that was specifically designed to convert. (You can find tons of landing page templates here).
7. Probably one of the most important questions you need to asking yourself is, are people receiving my emails? - Make sure that every email campaign comes with full statistics, you will want to check your opens, bounces, and click though rates. You will want to make sure your IP reputation isn't damaged, and that you are not on any blacklist. One of the easiest ways to protect your IP reputation and stay of any blacklist, is to use a third party email marketing company. They will handle as little or as much of your email campaign you need them to, but most importantly, they will be sending your campaign out on their servers and their IP addresses, keeping you safe and sound!
8. Another important question to asK, is how is the quality of the email list? - We can not express enough - STAY AWAY FROM THE $99 DATA LIST. It is junk and a waste of your time. Email data is graded on an A, B, C, D platform, with D data being the worst. Unfortunately, there are data brokers out there pushing D grade data and selling it dirt cheap, these are the $99 - $300 email lists you will find. Please save your money, you would be better off just sending me $300 and I will guarantee you will get me as a subscriber.....lol! These list are riddled with spam traps, honeypots, bots, bad emails, hard bounces, they are not scrubbed, cleaned, or verified. If you looking for good clean data, please give us a call and we will steer you in the right direction. We do not sell data, we send it! We know where the good data is and how to get it at a reasonable cost.